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the final take攻略


2020年10月30日-2023年12月14日钢铁行业概览(附完整名单) 运输员 警惕 further sees prevention – Myagric-pilot– State-Outcom-Quest-Tank-Drops of Rokan’s Call- River人大-督导s to


1. “Lyuda” Sniper Rifle – Drops from the final boss of the game, Tyreen the Destroyer. This weapon deals high critical-hit damage.

2. “Shredded Bangstick” Shotgun – Drops from the Rampager boss in the Forgotten Basilica. This shotgun deals high damage in close-quarters combat.

3. “Rowan’s Call” Assault Rifle – Drops from the boss Road Dog in The Splinterlands. This weapon deals high damage and ricochets bullets to other targets.

4. “Hellwalker” Shotgun – Drops from the boss Agonizer 9000 in the Guts of Carnivora. This weapon deals high damage and has a fast fire rate.

5. “Maggie” Pistol – Drops from the boss Tremendous Rex in the Cistern of Slaughter. This weapon deals high damage and has a fast fire rate.

6. “Handsome Jackhammer” SMG – Drops from the boss Handsome Jackie from the DLC Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot. This weapon has a shield, deals high damage, and when reloaded, throws the weapon as a grenade.

7. “The Lob” Shotgun – Can be purchased from Crazy Earl’s Reroll Machine in Sanctuary. This weapon shoots explosive projectiles that deal high damage.

8. “King’s Call” Pistol – Drops from the boss Tyreen the Destroyer. This weapon deals high critical hit damage and returns ammo to the magazine on critical hits.

9. “Night Hawkin” SMG – Drops from the boss Borman Nates in the Meridian Outskirts. This weapon deals high damage and changes its element depending on the time of day in-game.

10. “Lucian’s Call” Assault Rifle – Drops from the boss Mouthpiece in the Holy Broadcast Center. This weapon deals high damage and returns ammo to the magazine on critical hits.

11. “Redistributor” SMG – Drops from the boss Wotan the Invincible in the Maliwan Takedown mission. This weapon deals high shock damage and chains to nearby enemies.

12. “Scourge” Rocket Launcher – Drops from the boss Katagawa Ball in the Space-Laser Tag mission. This weapon shoots mini-rocket projectiles that deal high splash damage.

13. “Flakker” Shotgun – Can be purchased from the Torgue vending machines in the DLC Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot. This weapon shoots multiple explosive projectiles that deal high damage.

14. “Laser-Sploder” Assault Rifle – Drops from the boss Katagawa Jr. in the Atlas, At Last mission. This weapon deals high damage and shoots laser beams that split into explosions.

15. “Sickle” Assault Rifle – Drops from the boss Pain and Terror in the Blood Drive mission. This weapon shoots multiple projectiles that deal high damage and ricochet off surfaces.

《Is This Love》是由牙买加雷鬼歌手鲍勃·马利演唱的一首歌曲。


I wanna love you

And treat you right;

I wanna love you every day

And every night:

We’ll be together

With a roof right over our heads;

We’ll share the shelter

Of my single bed;

We’ll share the same room yeah

For Jah provide the bread

Is this love

Is this love

Is this love

Is this love that I’m feelin’

Is this love

Is this love

Is this love

Is this love that I’m feelin’

I wanna know

Wanna know

Wanna know now

I got to know

Got to know

Got to know now


I’m willing and able

So I throw my cards on your table

I wanna love you

I wanna love and treat

Love and treat you right;

I wanna love you every day

And every night:

We’ll be together yeah

With a roof right over our heads;

We’ll share the shelter

Yeah oh yeah

Of my single bed;

We’ll share the same room yeah

For Jah provide the bread

Is this love

Is this love

Is this love

Is this love that I’m feelin’

Is this love

Is this love

Is this love

Is this love that I’m feelin’

Wo o o oah

Is this love

Is this love

Is this love

Is this love that I’m feelin’

Is this love

Is this love

Is this love

Is this love that I’m feelin’

the final take攻略(last stand roof攻略)

See: I wanna love you

I wanna love and treat ya

Love and treat you right

I wanna love you every day

And every night:

We’ll be together

With a roof right over our heads

We’ll share the shelter

Of my single bed;

We’ll share the same room yeah

Jah provide the bread

We’ll share the shelter

Of my single bed

We’ll share the same room

I wanna love

Love and treat you

Love and treat you

Love and treat you

Love and treat you

Love and treat you


《非诚勿扰》的开场音乐的名字是《Can you feel it》。是Jean Roch于2003年演唱发行的一首歌曲。该歌曲改编于史泰龙的成名作《洛奇》系列的片尾曲《The Final Bell》,因为被综艺节目《非诚勿扰》用作背景音乐,受到更多人的关注。



the final take攻略(last stand roof攻略)


最后保存分割后的视频文件即可。常用的视频编辑软件有Adobe Premiere Pro、Final Cut Pro和DaVinci Resolve等。

“take to” 是一个常见的短语,有多种用法和意思。以下是几个常见的用法:

喜欢上某人或某物:当你开始喜欢或对某人或某物产生好感时,可以使用 “take to”。例如:

I took to her immediately when we first met.(我们第一次见面时,我立刻喜欢上了她。)

He took to playing the guitar and now he’s really good at it.(他开始弹吉他,现在他弹得非常好。)

the final take攻略(last stand roof攻略)

开始适应或习惯某事物:当你开始适应或习惯某种行为、环境或活动时,可以使用 “take to”。例如:

It took me a while to take to the new job.(我花了一些时间才适应新工作。)

The children took to their new school quickly.(孩子们很快适应了新学校。)

开始从事某种活动或爱好:当你开始从事某种活动或爱好时,可以使用 “take to”。例如:

She took to painting in her free time.(她在空闲时间开始涂鸦。)

He took to running as a way to stay fit.(他开始跑步来保持健康。)

对某种行为或态度产生反感:当你对某人的行为或态度感到不满或反感时,可以使用 “take to”。例如:

I didn’t take kindly to his rude comments.(我对他的粗鲁评论感到不悦。)

She didn’t take to his arrogant attitude.(她对他的傲慢态度感到反感。)

需要注意的是,”take to” 的具体意义和用法可能因语境而有所不同,所以在具体使用时要根据上下文来理解。

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